These amplifiers were originally developed for NASA and represent the best in Silicon Bipolar Transistor (SBT) amplifier design available today. The use of hybrid combined medium power SBT's provide high dynamic range and give better reliability than single stage amplifiers. These amplifiers have moderate gain to provide a higher system dynamic range. Quadrature hybrid combiners assure a good input & and output return loss over the entire operating passband. All tuning and signal path capacitors are ATC 600F low loss microwave type. As always, Angle Linear guarantees unconditional stability of every preamplifier we make.
Specify any 50 MHz band, example, Part number HY1318BNE = 130 to 180 MHz or HY1015BNE = 100 to 150 MHz. Gain will be higher at lower end of segment by < 2db.
Typical specifications:
Gain +/- 1.5 db over any 50 MHz segment, Noise figure: 2.3 dB +/- 0.3 db return loss in & out: >20 dB Output: IP3 +39 dBm or better. IP2 +55 dBm or better Out Comp pt: 1 dB >+26 dBm
Each model is optimized over any 50 MHz segment from 100 to 500 MHz. Even though each amplifier has wider band width performance (150 MHz), output intercept specification is over the 50 MHz segment only. These amplifiers are available with up to 150 MHz bandwidth but with reduced output intercept specification: +39 dbm at lower end of frequency range and + 40 at high end.
Part number example: 150 to 200 MHz = HY1520BNE
Typically better than 20 db return loss for input and output
Noise figure 2.3 +/- 0.3 db db
Output compression point (1 db) >+26 dbm
data sheet pdf formatEach amplifier has it's own independent bias current regulator. External and internal high voltage transient suppressors provide 40kV, 1 micro sec. pulse protection. Internal voltage regulator allows for operation up to +28 VDC but an external dropping resistor is recomended for voltages above +16VDC. Each amplifier has it's own independent bias current regulator. External and internal high voltage transient suppressors provide 40kV, 1 micro sec. pulse protection. DC current requirement is typically 150 mA at +13.8 VDC. Filtering on the DC terminal provides >80 dB attenuation from 25 MHz to several GigaHertz.
Tri-metal plated connectors have ptfe (Teflon) dielectric with gold pins and are available in type N, TNC & SMA (ss). Dimensions: 3" x 3.5" x 0.9". Top (T) or end (E) connector mounting available.
Connectors: N = N, T = TNC, S = SMA
updated Jan 2014